- Home
- Home
- Resources
- The city
- The city’s natural settings
- The first inhabitants
- The Mesolithic hunter-gatherers
- The village at Bercy
- The occupations at the Louvre
- Celtic settlements in the Paris region
- The Gallic Lutetia
- The battle of Lutetia
- The first Gallo-Roman inhabitants
- The early Roman city
- The aqueduct
- The amphitheatre
- The main entrance
- The arena
- The carceres
- The cavea
- The monumental facade
- The stage
- Discovery
- Topography
- Dating
- The theatre
- The forum
- The shops and the pavement walkway
- The gates
- The galleries
- The basilica
- The square and the temple
- Units and proportions
- Dating
- Ornementation
- The Cluny baths
- The entrance
- The palaestrae
- The tepidarium
- The caldarium
- The frigidarium
- A monument on the Parisian landscape
- Dimensions
- Dating
- Architecture and ornamentation
- The Collège de France baths
- The houses
- The Saint-Jacques necropolis
- The rural settlements
- A town framed by the river
- On the slopes of the Sainte-Geneviève hill
- The grid layout
- The late Roman city
- Aspects of the daily life
- Archeology in Paris
- To go further…
- The Carnavalet Museum
- The Cluny Museum
- The archaeological crypt at Notre-Dame
- « Paris, a Roman city »
- Tour of Roman Paris