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- Mesolithic hunter-gatherer
Location of the mesolithic hunter-gatherer.
3D graphics. © A.-B. Pimpaud
The discories of Henri-Farman Street
In 2008, on the occasion of the construction of a new sorting center for the SYCTOM (intermunicipal syndicate for the treatment of garbage in Paris region), archeologist discovered archeological remains of a Mesolithic occupation (9 000 - 5 000 BC). The deposit was located in the 15th district of Paris, in Henry-Farman Street, north-west of the Heliport, next to the Boulevard Peripheric and protected by 4 meters of overflow silt from the Seine.
For the first time, evidence of itinerant hunter-gatherer were discovered on the banks of the Seine in Paris. They were nomads, who during hunting, established on these banks a settlement for a few weeks, a halt to renew their weapons. They left behind traces of hearth and many flint arrowhead, since during this period, the bow was the favorute weapon of hunters.
Mesolithic site of Henry- Farman Street, Paris.
Hypothesis of flint arrowhead fitting.
© Denis Gliksman, Inrap.
Mesolithic site of Henry- Farman Street, Paris.
Sandstone striker sandstone striker used to cut flint blades and flint block once cut (lamellar nucleus)
© Denis Gliksman, Inrap.