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- Climate and demography
- The number of villages
Very strong correlations have been shown between climatic variations, fluctuations in the level of Lake Chalain and the changes in the number of Neolithic villages.
Briefly, the number of villages increases during periods when the climate improves and the water level is low, and decreases when the climate is unfavorable and the water runs high. It appears as if the villages were moved from time to time, in sync with the multi-year fluctuations in the level of the lake. But this seemingly simple correlation is not specific to lakeshore settlements.
By studying much larger regions, we can see that the chronological variations at a number of archaeological sites are the same as those of the lake inhabitants. Thus, this is a much more widespread phenomenon than simply moving villages when there is a risk of flooding.
Correlation between climate and the number of villages Chalain and Clairvaux.