Our understanding of late Neolithic eating habits has advanced beyond the merely hypothetical.

Examination of butchering and kitchen scraps found in waste areas, identification of grains of pollen and vegetation remains, analysis of carbonized organic residues and parasitology-based excrement analysis have all yielded good results. Why? Because of the very good conservation properties of this wet environment.

There is enough material to fill an entire book about Neolithic cuisine. Some recipes are quite familiar to modern palates, such as meat cooked on hot stones, smoked filet of trout and grilled frogs. Recently, however, it has been discovered that undercooked meat was the source of more or less serious strains of parasitosis, which certainly threatened the lives of these cultivators who lived in sanitary conditions that were less than ideal.

Leaving aside grilled food, we come to the far less appetizing category of gruels and hotpots. Constantly stirred so they would not stick to the bottom of the pot, these dishes tasted burned and reeked of hearth smoke.