Topographical model of the tell within its immediate environment and the location of the actual site.
At the base of the tell, the first three meters of archaeological quarry represent the Boian culture, or more precisely, the last two periods of the Boian culture with its mixture of cultural imports attributed to the Hamangia culture. The most important evolutionary period of the site is attributed to the Gumelnita culture, which is found down through a 7-meter thickness. The Gumelnita levels are ridged with the levels of the Cernavoda culture I (for about 1.5 meters). The upper levels of the tell were unsettled by subsequent occupants, from the Bronze Age up until the contemporary inhabitants, leaving few structures intact.
Stratigraphy of the Hârsova tell.
Detailed view of the stratigraphy of the Hârsova tell showing the successive levels and the remains of earthen architecture (beige in color) and the ashen levels formed by human and domestic remains.