Several dozens megalithic tombs worthy of interest can be found in the Carnac area and in neighbouring districts. Some of them, however, stand out in terms of archaeological interest or sheer size.

  • At first glance, the Kermario dolmen seems to be no more than a smallish monument situated by the roadside, at the south-western end of the alignments of the same name. A closer look reveals an oval cairn with a relatively well-preserved base, covering quite a wide area.

The Kermario dolmen, in its flush cairn.

  • The Crucuno dolmen at Erdeven is known to be the largest chamber in the area. At the end of the 19th century, several elements of the passage belonging to this huge monument were still visible in front of the house built up against it.

The Crucuno chamber at Plouharnel, the only remaining element of a huge monument progressively demolished by the development of the village.

  • At Rondossec, near Plouharnel, a large cairn comprises three dolmens, two of which possess long passages measuring respectively 11 and 13m in length. One of these two passages has a small cell adjacent to the main chamber, perhaps an early stage in the differentiation of the funeral area.
  • The dolmens at Keriaval (Carnac) and Mané-Groh (Erdeven) are two beautiful examples of tombs with subdivided burial areas, the first one with a double transept and the second with a large partitioned chamber.

The Keriaval dolmen at Carnac and its complex architecture.

  • ​At Kerlescan, the lateral entrance tomb located in the north-east of the alignments is the only evidence of the "funeral gallery" architecture typical of the late Neolithic remaining in the region. This monument used to be remarkable for its two "port holes", but was unfortunately severely damaged. Nonetheless, with a length of 40m and a width of 9m, the rectangular mound faced with interesting standing slabs, remains spectacular.