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- "The devil to pay, and no pitch hot!"
- Light and heat aboard ship
Lighting interior spaces was strictly regulated because of the fire risk – a candle could set fire to the hull or touch off the gunpowder used for the guns. No evidence of the use of lanterns, though permitted, was found on either wreck, but several oil lamps and metal candlesticks were found. These two types of lighting, which incidentally were only found in the area of the kitchens, differ significantly from one wreck to the other. The Dauphine's lamp had four spouts to accommodate several wicks, while that from the Aimable Grenot had only one. In addition, the Aimable Grenot's candlesticks were taller than their counterparts on the Dauphine.
Nearly ten cubic metres of wood were found in the forward hold of the Dauphine. This would have been used for cooking, and no doubt for heating as well. In addition, wood was used in the hold to wedge the heavy casks in place. Analysis reveals that most of this wood consisted of exotic species from tropical and sub-tropical mangrove forests. Their presence aboard the Dauphine remains a mystery, however. We might hypothesise that when the Dauphine was being fitted out at Le Havre, it took advantage of a ship being unloaded that had just returned from a voyage in the South Seas, where such wood would have been cut.