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- François Roger's implements?
Several writing implements were found in the aft of the Dauphine, including two fragments of red sealing wax and, nearby, a rectangular piece of slate that was once set in a frame. Given their characteristic shape, a small square container made of lead and a small glass bottle have been identified as inkpots. These items no doubt belonged to one of the ship's senior officers, or at least someone with some education. It is tempting to see them as poignant vestiges of the daily tasks of recording and letter-writing, and even bookkeeping, which were the duty of captain Dubocage or of the royal scribe François Roger who, as we know from the report of the wreckage in the Ille-et-Vilaine archives, was under the King's authority. Roger was an officer, appointed by the king, whose job was to oversee the correct use of the equipment and tools supplied by the naval storehouses, and to ensure that the crew received the proper rations. In addition to this, the scribe was responsible for providing the king with an account of the frigate's activities, seizures and expenses during the voyage.