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- Shipbuilding
- The structure of the Dauphine
- Inner planking
Like the outside planking of the hull, the inner planking consists of oak strakes or planks, lined up end-to-end along the ship's longitudinal axis and nailed to the framework. They are reinforced here and there with stringers that are somewhat thicker.
On either side of the keelson, moveable sapwood limber-boards provide access, for inspection purposes, to the lowest parts of the hull.
The inner planking is continuous in the lower part of the ship's bottom, but breaks off at the level of the fleurs, in order to give the framework air, and then runs in discontinuous fashion along the entire wall of the ship. Squared filling pieces, were inserted in the frame spacing above the final top strake of the planking to prevent objects from being inadvertently inserted between the outside planking, the inner planking and the frames.
In the forepart of the ship, inscriptions were observed on the surface of some strakes of the interior planking and on a square filling piece close to the axis of the keelson.