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- Sud Perduto 2 (Bonifacio, Corse du Sud)
Approximate location of the Sud Perduto 2 wreck in Corse du Sud.
Sud Perduto 2 was reported in May 1986, at a depth of 48 m to the east of the Straits of Bonifacio, Southern Corsica. After a swift survey, the wreck was methodically excavated in 1987–89. Her cargo comprised at least three layers of Iberian amphorae destined to contain fish sauce, Dressel types 7 and 9. Excavations under the amphorae and aft of the mast revealed forty-eight lead ingots each weighing 42–48 kg. The ingots featured moulded marks in relief, impressed marks, and engraved numbers, all of which provided interesting information on the trading of raw materials in antiquity. Only a few pieces of the hull were found under the cargo. Dating from the Augustan Age, the ship was sailing from the south of Spain when she foundered. She was probably heading for Rome along the most direct route which passes to the south of Corsica.
Studying amphorae piled in four layers.
© Antoine Chéné/DRASSM/CNRS
Lead ingots stowed in the bottom of the hold.
© Atnoine Chéné/DRASSM/CNRS-CCJ
An amphora being measured for the archaeological study.
© Hélène Bernard/DRASSM
Operation manager
- Hélène Bernard/Drassm (1986-1989)
- BERNARD Hélène, DOMERGUE Claude — Les lingots de plombs de l'épave romaine de Sud Perduto 2 (Corse). Bull. de la Société des Sciences Hist. et Nat. de la Corse, 659, p. 41-95.
- BERNARD Hélène — Nouvelles épaves hispaniques de Corse : Sud Perduto 2 (Bonifacio et Marina di Fiori (Porto Vecchio). In : Comercio, redistribution y fondeaderos. La navigacion a vela en el Mediterraneo. Actas y jornadas internacionales de Arqueolgia subacuatica. 2007. Valencia : José Perez y Guillermo Pascual Eds, p. 461-471.