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- Wild boar
Contrary to the traditional cliché, the Gauls hardly ever ate wild boar. Remains from this animal, easy to distinguish from pigs by the marked difference in size and weight, are extremely rarely found in kitchen waste. At Acy-Romance, only three sets of remains have been found. But there is evidence of one in the form of a trophy, a canine tooth, coupled with a bear claw and placed in a tomb, perhaps that of a hunter.
Hunting was not an important contributor to the diet, and the remains of game account for under 0.1% of the remains discovered in the settlement. These are mainly roe deer, red deer and hare, three animals which could have been hunted for their meat, while the others (beaver, fox, wolf, martens and otters) could have been sought for their fur. However, some species may have been killed to protect livestock (wolves and foxes) or the fishing (otters, and also heron and cormorant).