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- Meat in the diet
The meat eaten at Acy-Romance was mostly beef and horsemeat. While beef consumption was very common throughout the sites of this period, the same was not true of horsemeat, which was not eaten everywhere. At Acy-Romance, horsemeat accounts for over a quarter (27.4%) of the total.
The study of kitchen waste has provided some information on the choice of subjects (age, sex) and on which cuts were consumed. This information has enabled researchers to reconstruct the rules of distribution for meat in the village and to follow the changes in dietary habits during the two centuries of occupation. These changes show a clear decline in both the quantity and quality of the meat (older animals, lesser cuts).
For the early days, when the village was quite wealthy, the results of the analysis of the meat consumed can be charted, revealing a quality scale from good cuts (chops, fillets) to poorer cuts (heads and feet). This chart reveals a structure in kitchen waste which may partly reflect the social organisation of village.