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Animals could provide a number of raw materials for craftsmen to use, such as horn, wood, ivory and bone. During the Iron Age, in contrast with earlier periods, these materials were used relatively little. However, some of the rubbish and objects discovered provide evidence of the various stages in the manufacture or use of these materials. The most numerous are the bony cores from cattle horns, when the horn has been sawn off for reasons we do not know, as horn, like skin, does not keep. The bone objects are perfectly preserved, but few in number. They show varying degrees of elaboration; sometimes used as they were, like a horse scapula used as a spade, or finely worked, like these dice. The origin of the material used here, the bone and the species, is unknown, and there are no indications that they were manufactured locally.
Another category comprises deer antlers, carved and riveted at the base, like handles. Traces of heating on the side of one antler imply that it might have been a cooking utensil which hung over the edge of the cooking pot and was exposed to the flame.