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- Tombs of the sacrificers?
A few tombs share the characteristic of containing a few very specific objects: full warrior equipment including a sword in its sheath, spear, shield and also a knife or cleaver (butcher's blade) and an axe with an eye handle, together with one or more small buckets, a bronze pan, a toolbox, and fragments of amphorae. One or other of these objects may be missing, depending on the chronology, but the assembly is still remarkable. The trilogy of weapon(s)-small bucket(s)-axe/cleaver is always found and the general destruction of the weapons is reminiscent of the Gauls' sacred sites.
One of the axes fits perfectly into the wound in the skull of the murdered man discovered at the settlement and this similarity, together with the specific sets of metal objects, could indicate the tombs of sacrificers. The replacement of the axe with the butcher's cleaver, at a time when hundreds of ewes were ritually slaughtered at the settlement, is another argument for viewing these remains as those of men of religion.