Filtres - 197/260 Selected medias
Decree for the creation of the musée gallo-romain, 8 March 1862
Contents page of notebook 10 by General Creuly
Epigraphic record taken from notebook 4 by Pierre-Charles Robert
Epigraphic record taken from notebook 23 by General Creuly
Carte archéologique du Tarn, by Alfred Caraven, 1865
Watercolour drawings by Flouest of arms from Alise-Sainte-Reine
Carte des bornes milliaires, 1878
Dictionnaire archéologique de la Gaule, entry for Château-Gaillard, Cormoz
Base map with Gallic tribes and place names, 1860-1861
Base map with Gallic tribes and rivers, 1860-1861
Base map with rivers and relief, 1860-1861