Appointed a member of the Commission de Topographie des Gaules in 1858, Charles-Raymond de Coynard was responsible for coordinating the CTG’s cartographic works.

A cartographer

Military officer Raymond de Coynart began work on the Carte de France in 1830, ensuring the transfer of data from inventories onto maps, as well as the maps’ publication. He joined the Dépôt de la Guerre, then led by Charles-Antoine Blondel, as Major.

A specialist in military history

He was known for his publications on military history, in particular his “Étude historique, topographique et militaire sur la cité gauloise d’Alésia”, in the Spectateur militaire (November 1856).

In 1866 and 1867, he received funding from the CTG to carry out excavations at Chassey (Saône-et-Loire).

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