Filtres - 197/260 Selected medias
Engraving of the museum: ballroom, known as the salle de Mars, 1883
Engraving of the museum: room 7, Gallic period, 1871
Epigraphic record taken from notebook 21 by General Creuly, 1869
Archaeological objects discovered at Réallon
View of the courtyard of the château of Saint-Germain, 1862
Carte de la Gaule - Monuments de l'âge de pierre, 1867
Album noir 2A 33
Album noir no. 5 Côte-d’Or
Preparatory drawings for museum furnishings, 1866
The inauguration of the musée gallo-romain, as seen in the Univers illustré, 29 May 1867
View of the château of Saint-Germain, the restored keep, 1865