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- Loupian, a villa in Gallia Narbonensis
- Wine-growing villas in the Early Roman Empire
- Winemaking in Narbonese Gaul
Most of the farming concerns in Narbonese Gaul, whether at villas, farms or rural villages, set aside a considerable portion of their lands for winegrowing and winemaking. Even the smallest farms gave in to this craze that had gripped the province, and had costly equipment installed, including masonry vats, wine presses and dolia. More ambitious farms had twin pressing units, either built at the outset or added later as production ramped up, and increasing storage needs resulted in the construction of new warehouses.
The Loupian estate, with some one hundred dolia, may be considered a mid-sized winemaking establishment, with a capacity of about 150,000 litres. Smaller farms and villas had a few dozen jars, giving them a capacity of less than 100,000 litres. Nevertheless, there were farms in Narbonese Gaul with exceptionally high production levels, with warehouses holding several hundred dolia and a capacity of up to 600,000 litres.
On the fringes of Gallia Narbonensis and in the rest of Gaul, Mediterranean-style earthenware wine recipients gave way to another type of container, the cask. This recipient, which was already used for transport, would replace the dolium at southern farms in Late Antiquity.