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- Loupian, a villa in Gallia Narbonensis
- The residence in Late Antiquity
- The mosaics
Of the residence's fourteen rooms, all but one still have their mosaic floors. Despite numerous gaps and an uneven state of preservation, the remains have allowed researchers to reconstruct the décor of one of these sumptuous rural ensembles from Late Antiquity. They took the form of geometric, often complex, mosaic "carpets", that took one of two forms. One focused on central compositions that were placed in both public rooms and smaller spaces; the other emphasised a network based on repeating patterns.
These compositions were created using an extensive palette of colours and materials. The floor of the large room AA' are the most colourful, with nearly a dozen different hues. The tesserae were made of ceramic or glass paste, or came from various types and shades of stones.
The decorative repertoire makes extensive use of plant patterns, including garlands of vines and trees laden with fruit, to which were added kantharoi, baskets and architectural elements. The only human figures appear in a treatment of the four seasons, which appears in the public room giving onto the the garden (AA') and in the private salon (NO). Sparing use was made of these figured themes due to their cost and their appearance is a sign of a desire for the room to convey a concern for display and for luxury.