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- Loupian, a villa in Gallia Narbonensis
- An archaeological site for the public
- Similar achievements in Europe
There are currently more than one hundred villa open to the public within the geographical area corresponding to the Western Roman Empire. This figure, which was established by David Rousseau (ArchéOfactory) as part of a master's thesis at the University of Paris I, allow us to better situate Loupian within the context of similar achievelents elsewhere in Europe.
France lags behind when it comes to presenting excavations of villas, and the sole example of Montmairin is not enough to brifge the gap created by a policy focused on highliting other types of verstiges. This is no doubt to the stagnation in villa-related archeological methodology. Out of about ten such sites, Loupian is currently the only largescale archievement.
Starting in the 19th century, excavations in countries such as England, Germany anf Swiltzerland have given rise to restoration, protective covering for the most fragile elements like mosaics (e.g. Bignor and Chedworth in the UK, Otrang in Germany and Orbe in Swiltzerland). In Germany, in situ reconstitution, such as those at Borg and Stein, are employed. In Italy, starting in the 1970s, modern materials were used to house vestiges (Piazza Armerina). And for several years now, Spain has built structures providing shelter for several thousand square metres of excavated areas and museum (Almenara, La Olmeda).