Filtres - 194/219 Selected medias
Spear thrower made from reindeer antler from the Mas-d’Azil cave (Ariège)
Bone tool from the grotte de la Vache (Ariège)
André Leroi-Gourhan visits Étiolles, the year of its discovery
Group of blades, isolated at the edge of structure W11 at Étiolles
Reconstruction of the inside of structure U5
Photo of a reindeer herders’ camp in Kamchatka (Atchayvayam, Kamchatka, 1998)
The Magdalenian occupation at Étiolles-La Fontaine, Soulier
The first flint scatter discovered
Flint core knapped during the later Azilian period, around 11,000 BCE, at Closeau (Hauts-de-Seine)
A structure at Pincevent in La Grande-Paroisse (Seine-et-Marne): O123 from level IV20
Barbed sagaie points carved from deer antler, from Madeleine, Tursac (Dordogne)