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Archaeozoology, which looks at how animal carcasses were acquired and processed, provides information on the relationships between people and animals. In southwest France, the reindeer was the game of choice. Whole carcasses were brought back to camp, suggesting that hunting took place nearby. By analysing cut-marks, archaeozoologists can reconstruct the various phases of how animals were butchered. Long bones systematically show signs of fracturing related to the collection of marrow for consumption. Ungulates were intensively exploited, and not only for food. Bones were used as fuel and sometimes show signs of harvesting of raw materials (leather, wood, bones, teeth, tendons, etc.) and of technical activities (leather processing, production of domestic tools and weapons, the creation of ornaments and works of art, etc.). Magdalenian hunter-gatherers adapted perfectly to the climate and took full advantage of the plants, animals and minerals in their surroundings.