Filtres - 212/263 Selected medias
Palmyra, view of the Caesarum colonnade, 1st-2nd century CE.
Palmyra, intrados of the western arch of the southern bay of the Monumental Arch of the Great Colonnade, early 3rd century CE.
Palmyra, precinct of the Temple of Bel
Palmyra, western necropolis
Palmyra, theatre, stage wall, early 1st century CE.
Palmyra, view of the semi-circular theatre portico, early 1st century CE.
Palmyra, theatre, view of the central niche of the stage wall and rear of the Great Colonnade
Palmyra, view of the columns of the Caesarum
Great Colonnade and portico of the baths of Diocletian
Hypogeum of the Three Brothers. Palmyra
Hypogeum of the Three Brothers. Palmyra