- Anthracology
A discipline closely related to archaeobotany, which studies charcoal found in archaeological contexts.
- Gaul
Gaul, "Gallia" in Latin, is the ancient name for the territories occupied by the Gauls, which comprised modern France, Belgium and northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul).
- Malacology
The study of molluscs. The shells of land invertebrates, such as the different types of snail, are preserved in sediments. From the appearance of the shell in each layer it is possible to determine the species, and thus know the ambient climate, the level of humidity and the type of vegetation.
- Zooarchaeology
The study of animal remains with the aim of reconstructing the relationships between humans and animals on an archaeological site. Prior to domestication this relationship was based on hunting. Zooarchaeologists try to establish which species were hunted and butchered, in what season and in what quantities. They also try to determine hunting techniques and strategies based on what we know of the behaviour of certain prey species and what they would require in terms of butchery (which would need to be collective in the case of herd animals, for example).