- Home
- Useful Links
- Useful links
Archéophile.com. French-language directory of archaeological resources: www.archeophile.com
French national archaeology association for local authorities (ANACT): www.anactarcheologie.com
Carbone 14, radio programme devoted to archaeology (France Inter): www.franceculture.fr/emissions/carbone-14-le-magazine-de-larcheologie
Centre Camille Jullian, Mediterranean and African archaeology research unit of the University of Aix-Marseille, the CNRS, and the French Ministry of Culture: ccj.cnrs.fr
Hominides: www.hominides.com
French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap): www.inrap.fr
Paris archaeology department (DHAAP): site internet
Archaeological sites open to the public (partial list)
MuséoParc Alésia: www.alesia.com
Bibracte archaeological site and museum. Mont Beuvray (Morvan, Bourgogne): www.bibracte.fr
Centre des monuments nationaux (CMN)
- The Pair-Non-Pair Cave
- Prehistoric sites of the Vézère Valley (Font de Gaume, Abri du Poisson, Abri du Cap Blanc, etc.)
- Ensérune oppidum archaeological site
- Glanum archaeological site
- Cairn of Barnenez
- Locmariaquer
- Tropaeum Alpium in La Turbie
- Montmaurin archaeological site
- Gallo-Roman site of Sanxay
Lattes, archaeological site and Henri Prades museum: museearcheo.montpellier3m.fr
La Frabrique de la ville, archaeology unit of Saint-Denis: www.plainecommune.fr/decouvrir-sortir/tourisme/la-fabrique-de-la-ville
Loupian Villa, museum and archaeological site: museum website
Museums and interpretation centres
- ArchéoMuse Network of archaeology museum professionals: musee-archeologienationale.fr/archeomuse
- Archea musée. Archaeology in the Pays de France region: archea.roissypaysdefrance.fr
- Chronograph, archaeological interpretation centre (Nantes): www.nantes-tourisme.com/fr/musee/le-chronographe
- Latenium, parks and archaeological museum (Switzerland): latenium.ch
- Musée Carnavalet, archaeology collections: www.carnavalet.paris.fr/fr/collections/archeologie
- Musée du Chatillonais, Vix treasure: www.musee-vix.fr
- Musée de l’Aurignacien. Prehistory of the Haute Garonne region: www.musee-aurignacien.com
- Museum of Mankind: www.museedelhomme.fr
- Musée du Louvre: www.louvre.fr
- National Prehistory Museum: musee-prehistoire-eyzies.fr
- Île-de-France Prehistory Museum: www.musee-prehistoire-idf.fr
- Musée Saint-Raymond. Toulouse Museum of the Archaeology of the Ancient World: saintraymond.toulouse.fr
- Prehistory Interpretation Centre (PIP): www.pole-prehistoire.com
- Biblissima: Observatory of Medieval and Renaissance Written Heritage, (manuscrits and ancient prints from the 8th to 18th centuries).
- Europeana: digitalised museum collections of institutions across Europe launched in November 2008 by the European Commission.
- Gallica: digital library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and its partners.
- Histoire des arts: specialist directory compiled by the French Ministry of Culture of a selection of cultural and artistic resources.
- Images d'art: images of works held by the RMN-Grand Palais and its partner museums
- Isidore: ISIDORE is a research platform providing access to digital data in the humanities and social sciences (SHS). ISIDORE is the work of a major research infrastructure, HumaNum (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Campus Condorcet).
- Regards: an image bank of monuments.