- Accueil
- Hearths and Heated Areas
- Hearths and heated areas
The walls of this gallery, just like those in other sectors of the cave, bear abundant indications of the effect of intense fires: coloured pink and grey, with remains of splintering and edged with black smoke. Some of the hearths in the gallery relate to the Aurignacians as they all date back 36,000 years.
The hearths in the Megaloceros Gallery were positioned preferentially in areas where the ceiling was highest. However, the increase in temperature while in use led to the shattering of the closest rocky wall, the fragments of which are still visible on the floor, thereby sealing the charcoal areas.
Several functions can be envisaged for these fires: lighting, marking out the route, protection from animals, heating, and technical and symbolic activities.
One of the pre-eminent functions of these hearths was also probably linked to the production of charcoal to perform works of art.