The Upper Magdalenian, the last Magdalenian period, developed during the Bölling and the first part of the Alleröd (13,000/11,000), interrupted by a short cold period. In France and Spain, this period succeeds stratigraphically the Middle Magdalenian period and is characterised by the use of flint weapons and special tools or hard animal materials, such as parrot beak burins, short scrapers, Laugerie-Basse points, harpoons and the like. Lithic tools become increasingly small with an abundance of blades, short flakes and microliths towards the end of the Magdalenian period. The diversification of flint armatures attests to a transformation in hunting methods and an adaptation to new game emerging as a result of climate and palaeoenvironmental changes at the end of the Late Glacial. The systems of artistic representation reveal cultural continuity with the Middle Magdalenian and symbolic innovations such as schematic female figurines and the widespread use of highly structured geometric and abstract motifs on objects made from hard animal materials.