Stone block engraved with a horse from Limeuil

Bloc gravé d'un cheval de Limeuil. Abris sculptés de la Préhistoire.

Block discovered by Louis Capitan and Jean Bouyssonie during excavation of the Magdalenian site at the foot of the cliff at Limeuil (Dordogne).

It was amoung several hundred engraved and sculpted blocks and plates. This small limestone block depicts a very expressive head of a horse facing left. The faithfulness of the details, including the eye, the nostril and the mouth, combines with the well-drawn lines and the depiction of volume using the rock's natural relief.

It is displayed in the Palaeolithic Gallery of the National Archaeology Museum - Domaine national de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Length = 28 cm; Width = 23.4 cm; Thickness = 5.4 cm. MAN 56 751-34

© RMN - Grand Palais (musée d'Archéologie nationale ) / Loïc Hamon

© RMN - Grand Palais (musée d'Archéologie nationale ) / Loïc Hamon

Vist the site : Les abris sculptés de la Préhistoire